Accelerate your YouTube success with a real Creator Collective 🔥

The YouTube Creator Mastermind 🧠

Join a group of creators and business owners who want to get good at YouTube without using clickbait tricks 🤮

Want to unlock creator opportunities, make real friends, and earn money with your personal brand without the “Wolf of Wall Street” vibes? Don’t waste your money into another YouTube guru course.

Keep reading👇 

The Problem

99% of YouTube Creators Are lonely AF.

Congrats! After months (or maybe even years), you’re finally ready to take YouTube seriously.

Maybe you bought a Sony ZV-1 from Amazon because you didn’t want to sell your kidney for a Sony A7SIII and G-Master lens.

But as soon as you start recording, you face some tough growing pains like:

  • Hating the sound of your own voice on video 🙉
  • Realizing your videos look like complete sh*t 💩
  • Forgetting what to say. Every. Single. Time. 🙇‍♂️

And let’s not even talk about the time you forgot the SD card after hours of recording or lost your Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premier project because it crashed… FML 🤦‍♂️

Even with all these problems, you still manage to upload your first video.

Podcast host in a studio setup with a microphone and lighting equipment, wearing a Refugee Hustle T-shirt

The next day… 🌛

Instead of a viral hit, there are 3 views – 2 from you refreshing the page and 1 from your mom 🥲

You start to wonder…

  • Is it just me?
  • Does my content suck?
  • Does the algorithm hate me?

The hard truth? It might be all three.

So you ask yourself the tough question: “Do I really want to keep doing this?”

Close-up of a stressed man with hands on his face, looking tired and overwhelmed

After some reflection, you decide to keep going 🏃‍♂️

Turning back isn’t an option now.

You’ve put hours into learning how to use your camera, brainstormed the “perfect” channel name (which ended up being your real name), splurged $299 on Final Cut Pro, and actually sold your kidney for a Sony A7SIII (You took that too literally 🙄).

Determined, you search for answers by…

  • Reading “The YouTube Formula” because Airrack told you 
  • Binge-watching Filmbooth’s tutorials
  • Studying all 763+ MrBeast videos in obsessive detail

And if you felt really ambitious, you bought courses like Ali Abdaal’s Part Time YouTuber Academy, Matt D’Avella’s Master YouTube, or Creator Now to “take this more seriously”.

And as you keep making videos, finally something happens.

A YouTuber young man with earphones sitting outdoors, holding a phone, with people walking up the stairs in the background

your video goes viral 📈

Out of nowhere, one video takes off.

You watch the views start skyrocketing from 3K to 10K, and even up to 120K views in just days. 

And now you’re the hot YouTuber on the block 🥵

Brands are sliding into your DMs, fans are hunting for selfies at VidSummit, and you finally get approved for YouTube AdSense 🤑

But this success brings in new challenges that you didn’t expect (or sign up for), like…

  • “How TF do I negotiate this brand deal?”
  • “Can my next video keep up the momentum or am I a one-hit wonder?”
  • “How do I make money consistently without selling out?”
  • “Umm – I don’t want to burnout. How do I hire help?”

After endless searching on Reddit and crying in your bathroom, you realize there’s no one to turn to for advice or hear you out.

Turns out, loneliness is the silent killer every creator goes through.

Woman walking on a pier with social media engagement icons floating in the air, indicating viral content success

The Symptoms

No one talks about the “real” YouTube journey.

As you’re going through viral success, you realize it’s hard to find people who “get it”.

Unless you’re friends with Mr. Beast, those around you don’t have a clue what you’re going through.

They’ll say things like…

  • “Are you actually making money with YouTube?”
  • “How many subscribers do you have?”
  • “When are you going to grow up and start a real business?”
  • “Do you really think you can turn this into a full-time job?”
  • “Your content is okay, but have you seen [insert popular YouTuber]? They’re really good.”

While your mom, girlfriend, or best friend who sold his 1st edition Charizard for pizza back in 5th grade care a lot about you, they can’t relate.

Sometimes it might feel like no one understands or gets your problems. But you’re not alone. Is this you?

Symptom 1

You’re not getting the views (or money) you deserve.

You’re working hard, week after week, pouring everything (and maybe even a bit of your mental sanity) into your videos. 

Yet, the views and money are far from what you imagined.

Is your content boring AF? Do the YouTube algo gods hate you? No matter what you do, finding the answer seems impossible.

One dollar bill with assorted U.S. coins spread out on a maroon surface

Symptom 2

You tried advice from YouTube “experts”, but you aren’t seeing results.

You paid some serious cash for a YouTube guru course or took advice from a “YouTube strategy expert”, who, funny enough, never uploaded a video in their life.

And yet here you are, staring at that dreaded 10 of 10 video rank in YT studio.

Even worse, you’re losing subscribers and views faster than when you tell a girl that you still live at your mom’s house in your 30’s 🙋‍♂️

Disappointed YouTuber with digitally added tears over a video analytics screen showing a ranking of 10 out of 10

Symptom 3

You hate the content that you’re putting out.

Maybe you cracked the algorithm, but it’s a love-hate relationship.

Sure, you know how to get views, but at the expense of your creative soul. The idea of being “stuck” talking about the same topics feels like creative seppuku.

What if there was a sweet spot where you could make content that both you and your audience both love?

YouTuber showing a hand gesture of disapproval towards a laptop screen

Symptom 4

You keep on missing deadlines.

After doing this for months on end, you’re at a breaking point. 

No one warned you about the constant pressure to outdo your last video. Now, it’s taking it toll. You’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and dreading making the next video.

Despite desperately needing a break, you don’t want to let your audience down. But making the next feels impossible.

Close-up of a calendar with the 16th circled, indicating a significant date or deadline

Symptom 5

You wonder if anyone actually cares.

You’re all-in, dedicating your heart, soul, and caffeine-fueled nights to YouTube. 

Yet, the most you seem to get in return are a handful of likes and generic comments from Chinese spam bot comments with “First” or “Cool vid!”.

After all that work, this leaves you wondering – does anyone actually GAF about what I’m putting out?

YouTube content creator working on a laptop at night

Symptom 6

You feel alone 24/7.

It’s tough especially when you’re doing everything by yourself.

Even if your video hits the golden 1 of 10, you’re left feeling empty with no one to celebrate with.

But what if you could have a space where creators “get” each other and understand the grind, the late-night editing, and dealing with internet trolls?

YouTuber Exhausted man sitting on the edge of a bed in a cluttered room, symbolizing overwhelm and stress

Hi, I’m Kevin 👋

I’ve been exactly where you are.

If you’re feeling down about YouTube, know you’re not alone.

I left my six-figure career as a pharmacist to become a YouTuber.

From living in a YouTube house to privating my viral 1M view video, I’ve faced every obstacle and made hard choices along the way.

I’ve had to let go of editors who were friends, deal with trolls, and stop working with some YouTubers who turned into ClickFunnel experts.

I’ve even faced PR backlash of hyping up a guru course and being criticized for my opinions on pharmacy.

But not everything has been bad.

I’ve had wins too, like making $30,000 in one month with less than 10,000 subscribers, working with high ticket sales clients like Ali Abdaal, and earning $1,000 per month from a single affiliate deal.

I’ve also made friends around the world by sharing my life—like losing my dad, feeling lost at 30, and trying to find meaning after losing everything.

With my skills in high ticket sales, copywriting, a bit of pharmacy, and a lot of YouTube, I’ve met and collaborated with YouTubers like like JK Films, Ali Abdaal, Vanessa Lau, Mike Kim, Chris Do, and more.

Through the good and bad times, I’ve found something that can help you avoid the hardships I faced.

And I’m excited to share it with you. (Hint: It’s not another guru course or generic coaching program 🤢)

5+ years as an High Sales Strategist, YouTuber, + Digital Marketing Agency Partner

Closed over $1.2M high ticket offers within my first 10 months

Ranked as a top High Ticket Closing & Pharmacy YouTuber with 3.2+ million channel views

Head of Sales & Peer Support Advisor for Ali Abdaal’s Part Time YouTuber Academy 

The solution

You need Real YouTube creator friends.

Having creator friends can help you be more creative and do your best work. But finding these friends isn’t easy.

The hardest part of being a creator is not having close friends who understand the ups and downs.

It’s nice to have people who “believe in your success”, but you need more than just cheerleaders.

You need friends who understand and are also invested in the long-term game of YouTube.

Maybe you’ve tried to find creator friends. Maybe you’ve joined paid groups like Creator Now or free groups on Discord or WhatsApp, but those groups went quiet over time.

While you might have made some friends, they probably weren’t the deep relationships you wanted.

In a world where we can hit up anyone with a tap on our smartphone, it’s ironic how often we feel alone. 

“Play long-term games with long-term people.”
-Naval Ravikant

This quote by Naval Ravikant inspired me to become a better connector, start my own creator group, and create a mastermind group that’s committed, just like you (hopefully, if you’re still reading this).

The YouTube Creator Mastermind 🧠

Leverage the genius of a creator collective💡

Alex Hormozi said, “the most expensive tax we pay is ignorance.

You can 100% make it as a creator by yourself, but why do it alone?

The Creator Mastermind is my first mastermind from my 8+ years as a YouTuber, 4+ years running my High Ticket Sales Advisory at Kaizen Closing, and helping others in Ali Abdaal’s Part Time YouTuber Academy. 

This is a chance to learn from my mistakes and use my experience so you don’t miss out on big opportunities or make the same mistakes.

The path won’t be easy, but with our group, we aim to find the best ways to grow your YouTube creator business.

Even one small change could mean making $1,000, $10,000, or even $100,000 a month. I’ve helped some creator businesses grow to even 8 figures using YouTube.

This isn’t just another YouTube course or coaching. It’s a strategic high-level peer advisory of creator friends who help each other’s businesses.

This is what makes the YouTube Creator Mastermind different from any other group out there.

But, what the heck is a mastermind anyway?

Every ClickFunnel guru loves the word “mastermind” 🤢

It sounds ‘cool’ in their ads, but when you join these groups, they often turn out to be glorified Q&A sessions. I hate that and didn’t want to be the next ClickFunnel guru.

Think of a mastermind like your Jedi council or board of directors. We meet to share ideas, solve problems, hold each other accountable, and level up each other’s game.

I call them the “board I can’t afford” since I’d be broke if I put everyone on retainers 😂

Even though I enjoyed the energy and partnerships in business masterminds, there was a problem.

There aren’t many real groups like this for creators.

Engaged audience at a business mastermind conference with a speaker presenting in the background

How does a Mastermind actually work? ⚙️

  • The group is limited to 6 people (with 8 max).
  • We meet every 2 weeks for 2 hours for 6 months.
  • The format includes an update, hot seat sessions, and setting weekly intentions with optional punishments 😈
  • We’ll decide the exact times later, but tentative times are Tuesday at 5 or 6 PM PST.
  • No live meetups or virtual summits yet, but I plan to organize these in the future.
  • There will be other events like speed networking and private chats 🙃


  • You’ll get a 1-on-1 session with me to chat about your offers or opportunities (especially for high ticket offers)
  • You’ll have the opportunity to partner with me to launch a mastermind in your community, meaning more friends and Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) for you 🙂

…more bonuses later 🙃

Diverse group of creators engaged in a virtual YouTube mastermind session

So, what do you talk about during sessions?

Each session is unique, but we usually talk about these things… 🤓

  • Ideas, titles, and thumbnail that match your personal brand & vibe.
  • Offers & monetization strategies that are fun, profitable, and value-aligned.
  • How to hire along with systems to manage the daily operations of a creator business.
  • Making real connections with your audience that can turn into clients and partners.
  • The struggles and not-so-sexy parts of being a creator (aka creator therapy)
  • Setting weekly intentions along with customized (and hilarious) punishments decided by the group (optional, but encouraged)

In the end, you’ll laugh and make lifelong friends with other creators who will grow with you and share opportunities.

And most importantly, they won’t flake like my LA friends 🥲

the hidden benefits of a mastermind ✅

Group Brainpower 🧠

Work together with mastermind members to get new ideas and advice that can help you find big opportunities you didn’t know about.

Untapped Opportunities 🤑

It’s not just about YouTube or business. Being in a mastermind can lead to new chances in podcasts, speaking events, or virtual summits.

Lifelong Friends 👯‍♀️

Connect not just with “friends,” but with practitioners sharing similar goals, values, and experiences, all navigating the creator journey together.

Accelerated 10x Growth 🚀

Being with ambitious people makes you want to do better. These groups help you find big opportunities and think bigger about what’s possible.

(Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)

Topics of discussion 💬

Here’s a sneak peak at some of the topics we’ll dive into with the YouTube Creator Mastermind:

01 Personal Brand 👋

Learn how to tell your unique story and build a following for who you are, not just what you talk about.

02 Outsourcing 🤝

Find out how to free up your time by letting others help with tasks, so you can focus on what you do best.

03 Content Strategy ♟

Knowing what to create and when to post is important. But having the end goal in mind is even more important. 

04 Content Packaging 🎁

Learn the art of creating compelling thumbnails, titles, and topics to maximize your viral potential. Even the best video means nothing if no one clicks on it.

05 Video Production 🎥

Mastering the look and feel can transform your ideas into impactful content that resonates, engages, and “hits the feels” with your audience.

    06 Monetization 🤑

    You don’t need millions of subscribers to make money. But you do need the right strategy that aligns with your brand.

    07 Community ⚡️

    Relationships beat algorithms, period. Whether you want to make better content or create a product with impact, it’s about the art of connection.

    08 Digital Marketing 📲

    You can’t rely on the algo gods. If you want to stay in touch with your virtual pen pals, you need to learn the skills of email marketing, copywriting, and website design. 

    09 Mental Health 🧠

    Perfectionism, self-doubt, and even trolls get in the way of all creators. But the good news is that you don’t have to face it alone.

    10 Irresistible Offer 🤯

    It’s important to have an offer that people can’t refuse. If you’re unsure of how to create or sell an offer without the Wolf of Wall Street vibes, I’m here to help.

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)

    So, what else is included in the YouTube Creator Mastermind?

    You’ve got a busy schedule.

    The last thing you need is another boring Zoom call with people you don’t even like. Let’s be real – that time could be used for making another “banger” video, right?

    Trust me, there’s none of that here.

    Here’s the scoop on your 12-month all-access pass to the YouTube Creator Mastermind:

    1:1 YouTube Strategy Planning Session with Me 🗺

    Remember the first day of school and how nervous you felt not knowing anyone or where to sit? Let’s avoid that.

    We’ll meet 1:1 for 60 minutes to plan out how to make the most of your time in the YouTube Creator Mastermind. 

    Plus, I’ll tell you about who’s in the group so when we start, you already know everyone with zero awkwardness.

    Close-up of a hand making the first move in a chess game

    Creator Hot Seats 🪑

    Think college – minus all the boring lectures.

    The Creator Hot Seats are where you get real-time feedback, honest critiques, a new perspective on your brand or content, or just a place to talk.

    We’ll meet every 2 weeks for 2 hours, giving you enough time to turn insights into actions. All sessions are recorded.

    Solo modern chair under a spotlight on an empty stage, symbolizing anticipation or focus

    Weekly intentions (with optional punishments 😈)

    Advisory is great, but it means nothing if you don’t get sh*t done.

    But let’s face it – accountability can feel like your teacher nagging you about homework. Does it need to be this way?

    The heart of a mastermind isn’t accountability, but we end every Creator Hot Seat with bi-weekly intentions along with “productive punishments.” These punishments are often fun (yet oddly effective).

    It’s 100% optional (no peer pressure), but it’s a game changer. It’s a chance to turn accountability from “ugh” to “haha”, while still getting stuff done. 

    Screenshot of a content creator's mastermind group setting goals with creative punishments for accountability on discord

    Bonus: Access to my network 🌎

    Over the last 8 years, I’ve made some pretty cool friends in the YouTube world.

    It’s not only other YouTubers, but also YouTube strategists, editors, and creative directors for the biggest channels.

    Think of me as that Italian mob guy who’s “gotta guy”. If you need an intro, I’m happy to make that connection for you.

    Silhouette of friends celebrating with music and dance at a sunset party

    Bonus: 1:1 SOS Calls 🚢 

    “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” -Mike Tyson

    Things rarely go according to plan. That’s why sometimes you need a trusted advisor on speed dial (yep, that’s me).

    If you’re caught in a bind and can’t wait for an answer, hit me up and book in for a quick 15 minute chat.

    You aren’t alone.

    Smartphone on wooden surface displaying an incoming call screen

    Bonus: Access to my Fireside Chats & Networking Events ⚡️

    Every quarter, I get my coolest friends together (and yeah, that includes you) for some networking fun.

    We chat, brainstorm, and laugh. It’s like speed dating, but for ideas, partnerships, and collaborations.

    Seats are limited, but as part of my mastermind, you’re always on the VIP list.

    Diverse team engaged in a virtual meeting with a speaker leading the discussion

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)

    …but wait there’s more bonuses 😲

    Hot Seat Access to YouTube Strategist (Aprilynne Alter) 📈

    Sometimes you need a straight answer from a specialist, but hiring a YouTube Strategist can be really expensive.

    Aprilynne Alter (AKA our resident YouTube Strategist) typically charges $300-500 / hour, but she will be attending the hot seat sessions.

    Whether you need help on your thumbnails, titles, or topics or even nerd out on the YouTube analytics, like CTR’s or Retention, we’ll do our best to give you the best chance to go viral.

    Editing timeline showcasing how to create a killer YouTube intro for the 2023 algorithm

    Hot Seat Access to Video Production Specialist (Fenson Lin) 🤳

    Do you hate wasting time trying to figure out tech stuff? Maybe you have the a new full frame Sony camera with that sexy G-Master lens, but don’t know how to use it.

    We have tech YouTuber Fenson Lin (AKA Gadgetsu) joining the hot seat sessions.

    Fenson has gone viral multiple times with his “Day in the Life” tech reviews and has been sponsored by companies like Best Buy. His YouTube channel has 25K+ subscribers and 4M+ views.

    Whether it’s thumbnails or getting the right shot, we’re here to help you.

    Hand holding a pink Galaxy S23 with a university campus in the background, captioned 'DAY IN THE LIFE

    Hot Seat Access to Visual Storyteller Expert (Seemin Ng) 🤳

    Ever make a video that looks like complete trash? And have you ever been amazed by the cinematic YouTubers?

    Seemin has makes reflective mini-documentaries and music videos for popular k-pop stars. She even was nominated for Singapore’s Creator of the Year!

    Seemin has 31K+ subscribers, and her shorts have gone viral, getting 1M+ views. Her videos “why it’s impossible to behind in life” and “the importance of documenting my (boring) life” both have 200K+ views.

    If you need help getting a certain aesthetic, video style, storytelling, or even negotiating brand deals, Seemin’s got your back on the hot seats.

    Hand holding a pink Galaxy S23 with a university campus in the background, captioned 'DAY IN THE LIFE

    The Contractor Creator’s Circle 🤫

    Hiring is hard AF.

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried to hire, got frustrated, and ended up editing your videos yourself, getting burned out again.

    So I’m creating a list of pre-vetted or pre-screened of contractors, from from YouTube editors and thumbnail designers, to help save you time and energy.

    These aren’t just random people off Fiverr or UpWork; they’re my personal connections. For instance, my friend Can Nguyen of Candy Edits has edited for JK News, Bobby Lee’s Tiger Belly, Mike Tyson, Jocko, Matt Steffanina, and more.


    Even better, I’ve already negotiated rates to give you a better deal than if you went to them directly.

    Digital infographic of global network connections and satellite communication illustrated by Gilad Baron

    Future Plans 🔮

    These aren’t official releases, but here’s a sneak peak at what’s in the works:

    • Live closed-door meetups with mastermind students.
    • A virtual summit where we can share insights, monetize from sponsors, and more.
    • Pre-sell tickets so we can speak and host our own IRL events.
    • Secure bigger sponsorship deals and exclusive group offers. 

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)

    The TLDR version 🔥

    If you’re still with me, chances are you value your time, take action, and think outside the box.

    In my Creator Mastermind, I will help you:

    • Find your unique style and voice that’ll set you apart from other creators.
    • Build a personal brand that aligns with your larger vision and purpose.
    • Create stories that “hit the feels” and connect with your audience.
    • Meet my group of creators and friends who go beyond business.
    • Develop a content plan that boosts your presence on different platforms.
    • Attract loyal fans, not just followers.
    • Design offers that not only generate that sweet MRR (monthly recurring revenue) but also align with your mission to make an impact.
    • Match your actions with your goals.

    how it works ⚙️

    • The group is limited to 6 people (with 8 max).
    • We meet every 2 weeks for 2 hours for 6 months.
    • The format includes an update, hot seat sessions, and setting weekly intentions with optional punishments 😈
    • We’ll decide the exact times later, but tentative times are Tuesday at 5 or 6 PM PST.
    • No live meetups or virtual summits yet, but I plan to organize these in the future.
    • There will be other events like speed networking, private firesides chats, and more 🙃

    the Bonuses 🔥

    • 1:1 SOS Calls 🚢: If you’re caught in a bind and can’t wait for an answer, you can book in for a quick 15 minute chat.
    • Access to my Personal Fireside Chats & Networking Events ⚡️: Every quarter, I round up my coolest friends (and yeah, that includes you) for some networking fun. It’s like speed dating, but for ideas, partnerships, and collaborations. Seats are limited, but as part of my mastermind, you’re always on the VIP list.
    • Access to Beginner’s Guide to YouTube by Aprilynne Alter 🎓: With my mastermind comes with access to Beginner’s Guide to YouTube by Aprilynne Alter. She recently went viral and gained 20k+ subscribers and over 400k+ views with her video “how to make a killer youtube intro (for the 2023 algorithm)”. She’s also been a Peer Supporter and has run advanced masterminds for Ali Abdaal’s Part Time YouTuber Program.
    • Hot Seat Access to YouTube Strategist (Aprilynne Alter) 📈: Sometimes you need a straight answer from a specialist, but hiring a YouTube Strategist can be expensive. She usually charges $300-$500 / hour, but this is include in my mastermind, but she will be attending the hot seat sessions. Whether you need help on your thumbnails, titles, or topics or even nerd out on the YouTube analytics, like CTR’s or Retention, we’ll do our best to give you the best chance to go viral.
    • Hot Seat Access to Video Production Specialist (Fenson Lin) 🎥: Do you hate wasting time trying to figure out tech? I have tech YouTuber, Fenson Lin (AKA Gadgetsu), who will also be attending the hot seat sessions. Fenson has gone viral multiple times with his “Day in the Life” tech reviews and has been sponsored by companies like Best Buy, boasting 25K+ subscribers and 4M+ views.  Whether it’s thumbnails or getting the right shot, we’ve got your back.
    • Hot Seat Access to Visual Storyteller Specialist (Seemin Ng) 🎥: Ever shoot a video that looks like complete trash? And have you ever been mesmerized by cinematic YouTubers? Seemin has over 31K subscribers and her shorts have gone viral, getting 1M+ view shorts. She used to be a Jagua tattoo artit but now she makes reflective mini-documentaries and music videos for popular k-pop stars. Her videos “why it’s impossible to behind in life” and “the importance of documenting my (boring) life” both have about 200K views. If you need help getting a certain aesthetic, telling stories, or even negotiating brand deals, Seemin’s got your back on the hot seats.
    • The Contractor’s Circle 🤫: So I’ve created a list of pre-vetted or pre-screened of contractors, ranging from YouTube editors and thumbnail designers to strategists and recruiters – all to help you free up your time and energy. These aren’t just random people off Fiverr or UpWork, but are my personal connections. For instance, my friend Can Nguyen of Candy Edits has edited for JK News, Bobby Lee’s Tiger Belly, Mike Tyson, Jocko, Matt Steffanina, and more. Even better, I’ve pre-negotiated rates to give you a better deal than you would if you went to them directly.

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)

    The Testimonials

    No fake testimonials here.

    The results are as real as they get 💯

    At first, I asked my mastermind group for testimonials. I told them that I would edit their testimonials, but decided to leave it raw and unfiltered 😂

    By the way, I don’t think the mastermind was 100% responsible for the results everyone had in the group. But what I’ve noticed is that people’s best work comes out when you have a supportive group and environment 🌱

    Aprilynne Alter
    YouTube Strategist 📈

    Fenson Lin
    YouTube Tech Reviewer 📲

    Loni Dayan
    Spirtuality YouTuber + Accountant 💵

    Dr. Amy Friday
    Licensed Psychologist 🧠

    If you’re curious about the vibe inside, here’s a sneak peak of the after hours 💯

    here are also some cool moments we celebrated inside the mastermind 🎉

    See min finally getting monetized 🤑

    After staying stagnant for so long (and almost quitting YouTube entirely), See Min finally got the milestone of YouTube Partner.

    See Min hits 1M views on her YouTube Shorts 🤯

    It was really cool seeing behind-the-scenes of See Min finding her voice and style with her content. It also helps that she’s an amazing artist too 🎨

    See Min hits 1K subscribers 📈

    Hitting the first 1K subscribers is a huge milestone for any creator… but wait there’s more 👉

    Your life can completely change with one video 📈

    Aprilynne’s video now has 400k+ views and took her from 400 subscribers to 20K+. Seeing this behind the scenes was a crazy experience. This one video started kicking off the brand deals and consulting clients for Aprilynne.

    Aprilynne hits 20K subscribers

    It was also really cool seeing this roll over too 🎰

    Aprilynne finally gets monetized 💸

    After taking the leap of faith of walking away from her previous channel, Aprilynne gets her second channel monetized 💸

    Sometimes people get cool follows from their work too 👀

    It was a crazy moment when Michelle Khare started following Aprilynne after her viral video.

    ....And who can forget the punishments? 😈

    Something we do are punishments. Sometimes they’re kinda weird, but their always personalized and sadistic 😂

    Fenson breaks free from the "10 of 10" slump 🙌

    Sometimes the videos you publish aren’t hitting and it’s not always your fault. The best thing you can do is talk to your creator friends so you don’t overeact (or even quit) 😬

    ...And then hits 25,000 subscribers!

    Nothing warms my heart than seeing people hit their milestones and being able to celebrate with them 🛣️

    Nate uploads his first video 🌎

    Let’s be real. Perfectionism hits all of us. But finally after going back and forth on content, Nate uploads his first video on YouTube 🔥

    Loni lands her first client 🏆

    Most people think that you have to be a YouTube Partner to monetize. But honestly, the easiest way is to launch your own offers. In Loni’s case, she launched her own accounting services and landed her first client 🙃

    In general, I just love the vibes of the mastermind 💫

    It’s really rare to have a group where everyone truly does support each other 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)


    🛑 Do not buy this program.

    Invest and become a part of it. The concepts, strategies, and insights demand your active effort and commitment.

    Real success, unlike instant noodles, can’t be cooked up overnight 🍜

    If you want to get the most out of this mastermind, you need to be fully involved. It’s not a magic pill that will make everything easy.

    Think of it this way: you can’t pay someone to do your workout, but a good trainer will guide you and keep you from injury.

    So if the mastermind introduces a new idea, are you open to trying it? If you set a weekly intention, are you going to keep your word?

    Rest assured, I’m here to pick you up if you fall. And so is the community that I’ve brough together for this mastermind.

    If you’re ready to take your YouTube business to the next level, then it’s time to go all in.

    Total Mastermind Clients

    Creator Hot Seat Hours

    Hours of Content

    Are you ready for the YouTube Creator Mastermind?

    The YouTube Creator Mastermind isn’t for everyone. But if find yourself checking off these boxes, we’d love to see you apply 📄

    Who this is for ✋

    • You’re a subject matter expert in an area outside of YouTube.
    • You’ve created (or plan to create) content consistently on YouTube or another platform.
    • You’re playing the long-term game of YouTube for the next 3-5 years.
    • You have a go-giving mentality and want to meet other friends with similar values.
    • You plan on participating at least 80% of the sessions.

    Who this isn’t for ❌

    • You don’t have the time or energy to make videos.
    • You can’t commit to attending at least 80% of the sessions.
    • You have less than 2 months of financial runway, or the mastermind costs more 10% of your annual income.
    • You’re joining solely to pitch your business, rather than connecting with other creators.
    • You’re not willing to share your experiences to help others.
    • You’re joining only for a specific ROI from the mastermind (FYI – earning claims are highly illegal in the US).
    • You’re resistant to new ideas, changing your strategies, or receiving feedback.

    If you’re nodding your head in agreement, click here to apply. Don’t worry if you don’t tick every box – just be honest in your application.

    (Apply now or you’ll have to wait another 6 months.

    And Seriously, no fake scarcity BS here.)


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your Questions Answered

    How much does it cost?

    The YouTube Creator Mastermind is an investment of $6,400 for 12 months. Full disclosure – we are planning to increase the price.

    Most high-end masterminds (like Chris Do, Vanessa Lau, & Sam Ovens) range over $36K. I’m definitely “breaking” the high ticket sales rule by disclosing the price but I want to jump straight to the point.

    Understandably, not everyone can afford this investment. But for those I can help, the experience can be transformative.

    This program isn't cheap. What gives?

    I really mean this – please don’t apply or invest if you are financially stretching yourself. 

    If the cost of the YouTube Creator Mastermind is 10% of your annual income or more and you have less than two months of financial runway, this is not for you.

    This program is for those who have the time and money to invest into building relationships with other creators.

    For those who prefer something shorter, you can check out our YouTube Accelerator or free YouTube course here.

    How long is this program?

    Each mastermind group lasts for 6 months. I might switch the groups around, but the mastermind is for 12 months. We open applications every June and January.

    How does the mastermind work?

    We meet every 2 weeks at our advisory hot seat sessions. We’ll have a quick catch-up before diving into the hot seats. There are three hot seat styles:

    1. Traditional Q&A Hot Seat
    2. The Gossip Hot Seat
    3. The Expert Hot Seat

    You can get creative direction on packaging your next viral idea, ask about monetization strategies, or even just share some challenges that you’re going through. 

    After the group session, we’ll set intentions for the next 2 weeks (along with productive punishments) and share in our community Discord.

    If you want help from the community, you can post feedback in the Discord or just share behind-the-scenes (BTS) of your YouTube business.

    If you need to schedule an SOS meeting with me personally, I have all my calendars and resource links in the Discord.

    How many mastermind clients do you currently take?

    Given the intensive nature of community, I accept a maximum of 8 clients.

    In the future, I might open up more, but I’m pretty busy.

    I currently run my YouTube channel (duh, lol) and manage my high ticket sales accounts for YouTubers like Ali Abdaal. So my hands a pretty full so I can’t take on too many clients at once.

    Personally, I’d rather serve the few rather than the many. Also, I chose to work with people I genuinely enjoy being around. Masterminds are pretty intimate so I’m selective about who I work with and who I don’t.

    What is the time commitment?

    To build a community, it’s expected to make 80% of the advisory hot seat calls. We host 2 calls, which is 4 hours per month.

    Sometimes I’ll host bonus sessions like speed networking or the occasional game night. But these sessions are optional, but again you get what you put into the mastermind. 

    I would highly suggest that you use the community for feedback and meet others 1:1 in the mastermind.

    When do the advisory Hot Seat sessions happen?

    YouTube Creator Mastermind peer advisory sessions are held every 2 weeks.

    We typically meet on Tuesdays at 5 PM PST to accommodate multiple time zones, but I do shuffle around each group will vary to accommodate those in different time zones.

    We make it easy to join, no matter where you are in the world.

    If you’re not sure that you can make it, feel to submit an application.

    I'm new. Can I join the YouTube Creator Mastermind?

    Yes. I tend to match up each mastermind group with a mix of beginning and experienced creators.

    Keep in mind – there will be a fast learning curve, but as long as you’re willing to put out a video out every week then you’re more than welcome.

    You might want to watch our free YouTube course and consider the YouTube Accelerator.

    I’ve also partnered with Aprilynne Alter to set you up with the “Beginner’s Guide to YouTube” so that you have a comprehensive course to get started.

    Feel free to apply and we can talk more.

    What does the application process look like?

    All Creator Mastermind participants need to apply before joining.

    We want to make sure it’ll be beneficial for you and get to know each other as well.

    Just submit your application below. I will then will personally review your application and reach out to discuss your next steps.

    How do I know if this is the right time for me?

    Honestly, we don’t know for sure until we chat. That’s why I review every application carefully and speak to every applicant personally.

    Last thing I want is a relationship of resentment for a year.

    Keep in mind – I only open doors for this YouTube Creator Mastermind twice per year. If you miss out, then you’ll have to wait another six months.

    If you’re struggling with cracking the YouTube code, want to build a personal brand, or simply meet other creators to bring out your best work, you’re in the right place.

    Ultimately this is up for you to decide, but I’m more than happy to have a deeper conversation after submitting an application below. 

    What kind of results can you guarantee?

    Remember – this isn’t a course or program.

    It’s peer advisory, which means you and your team still needs to put in the work. A mastermind isn’t like an agency that does everything for you.

    We don’t have control over the entire process, like making your videos for you or guarantee virality.

    I totally get it if you’re in “business development” mode and looking for a specific KPI outcome. I’ve been there before and my best advice is that this isn’t for you right now.

    The best opportunities in my life came when I came with an open mind and just open to meeting others. The opportunities, relationships, and doors open just can’t be quantified. 

    Success isn’t guaranteed, but your growth is.

    This guarantee is our pledge to your success. I’m confident in the support, insights, and strategies I provide and I’m committed to seeing you thrive in your YouTube.

    The Application