Kevin here.
Have you ever had “the talk” with a crush that you’ve had for weeks? Or finally interviewed with that dream job or dream school that you’ve set your eyes on since childhood?
…only to find out that they didn’t feel the same way about you.

True story of when I got friend zoned
Whether it’s a professional setting or your personal life, rejection can feel embarrassing, shameful, and demoralizing… it sucks.
So how do we make it better?
Today I’m going to breakdown step by step how I got a job offer from the same company that rejected me.
Step 1: Get in their head
Have you ever heard those stories about people getting “ghosted” after a Tinder date?
You’re left thinking …WHERE THE HELL DID I GO WRONG?
That’s exactly how I felt after my interview. Two weeks turned into six months and I still heard nothing. Obviously they were interested through my resume, but somewhere during the interview they changed their mind.
Applying to jobs is like Tinder for guys. You keep swiping right… hoping that you’ll match with just one person.
Interviews are like dates. Don’t believe me?
- You spend 45 minutes trying to look good for someone
- You’re both deciding in 15 minutes if you want to start a “committed relationship” or future together
- You’re going to have bad ones
- Not hearing back sucks

Dem feelings when you hear nothing
Where do most people go wrong on a date or interview?
They talk too much about themselves or what they want. Instead focus on interviewer. What do they want? What are their concerns?
So I asked myself… what was the interviewer thinking?
Kevin is young and ambitious, but he have anything to back up his shit. Can this kid actually perform?
Asking yourself this might suck, but this is why rejection is so important. Rejection forces you to be honest with yourself.
Step 2: Create an action plan or project
Instead of crying and watching PornHub, I started thinking of ways to prove my credibility and address their concerns that stopped them from hiring me. So I asked myself…
- Why am I doing this project? (Are you trying to improve weaknesses, emphasize strengths, or gain credibility?)
- Who is this project helping or impacting? (Coworkers, client/patient, or boss?)
- What resources or skills do I have to give me an unfair advantage?
So I pitched a project to my supervisor.
I focused on others before myself. I wanted to help other pharmacists get their bonuses by driving sales. I wanted to make my district and supervisor look good.
…and plus it feels awesome to just help the people around you.
…but how does a project help me? Let’s take a typical interview.
Interviewer: So what are your strengths?
Interviewee: I’m motivated. I’m driven. I like helping people.
Interviewer: …okay that’s great. How do I believe you?
BAM. This is where you whip out your action plan and drop the dramatic music.
A project provides a story for you to tell. Instead of just telling them, you’re showing them. Also this is a great way to answer… what’s your biggest weakness?
Step 3: Close the loop
Wanna stand out from others? Pay attention.
What most people do after an interview: They find out they didn’t get the job. End of the story. GG NO RE.
What I did: Instead of running away, I took an honest look at myself and followed up with the interviewer. I didn’t try to hide my weaknesses. Instead, I focused on adding value and providing an action plan if I was hired.
No lie. It’s can be embarrassing following up with the person that rejected you, but what’s the worst case scenario? If you do nothing, the automatic answer is no.
“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do” -Tim Ferriss
No is just the starting point
When most people hear no, they quit. What most people don’t realize no is when the real work and conversation begins.
We don’t always have control what happens to us. You can’t control getting dumped or getting turned down from a job, but you can always control how you respond to it.
Finally don’t be an asshole to yourself if you get rejected. Trust that whatever comes your way, you’ll figure something out.
So let me know… how do you handle rejection? Let me know in the comments.
PS… I actually did a YouTube video awhile back on this. Click below to check it out.