I want to quit.
It would be easier to just settle for my 9-5 job. It pays well and its stable. As I’m trying to grow Refugee Hustle, there’s always so much to do and to be honest… its a lonely path. I even question myself whether I’m actually CREDIBLE to help other people like me out there.

Got herpes?
What sort of thoughts run through your head when you doubt yourself… especially the ones that prevent you from making your dream happen?
But then I remember the emails, my fans that recognize me out on the street, and the stories on how y’all left your shithole, got off your ass, and went back to school… and I realized that this isn’t something that I want to do… I HAVE to do this. I couldn’t go about living my life knowing that I could of helped others, but didn’t.
We all have dreams… even when we doubt ourselves, there’s that part in us that knows…I can’t keep putting this off… this is too damn important. I would be wasting my life away if I didn’t do this… Right? At the end of the day, I’m not that different from YOU. We’re always going to have times where we doubt ourselves. Instead of letting our thoughts defeat us, let’s use it as our motivation today.
And if you’re telling yourself “I’ll do this tomorrow“, what is that really costing you? How long are you going to wait for? Do you really want a few days turn into months… and even years without progress toward something that would make us feel alive?
Today I want you do this. Listen to all your fears, doubt, and concerns. Write these down. Now ask yourself, what would the “perfect” or “boss” version of me do in this situation? What sort of questions would you be asking and what would you be doing? Who are other people going through the same problems and how did they make it? Write these thoughts in the comment section. You’ll realize a lot of us have the same thoughts. Don’t put this off… this is important. At the end of the day, don’t let anyone take your hustle and grind away… not even yourself.
I always wanted to start a YouTube channel but I never did. This is something I’ve been thinking about since undergrad… 2006. I told myself… “Oh I don’t have a camera” or “I have no idea how to edit“. Shortly after writing this post, I told myself to shut up and just do it. Today I officially launched my YouTube channel.
I didnt know you had a youtube channel! Im subscribing right now. Hey for some reason im not getting the newsletter. I subscribed with the top toolbar but im not getting the emails.
heard about this via reality vs expectations. thank you for this, about to watch the video with pharmacy advice <3 I know what it's like to have a moral imperative to do something for others–keep on keeping on, that kind of motivation can be stronger than any other.
Here are my thoughts, concerns, and doubts:
I can’t do it
It’s too hard
I have no one to support me in my endeavors
Why does forex have to so hard?
I’m scared of losing a lot of money!
I’m scared of failing myself and my loved ones…
Why can’t I just be given money in a split second?
My Boss self:
-In the end it’s just me, I’m gonna pick myself up and continue climbing to the top.
-If I lose money it’s a set up for a comeback
-When I fail, It’s a life lesson and fuel for me to succeed
Thanks Mark for sharing that. I’ve been in your shoes before and something I’ve told myself those very same things… especially “When I fail, It’s a life lesson and fuel for me to succeed”.
One thing that is important though is to be forgiving if you fail. It will happen. But honestly your head is in the right place. Keep grindin!
The boss or perfect version of me would be questioning how I ended up in my current position, the perfect version of me wouldn’t have ended up in academic probation.
Doubts: I don’t have the brain for it, or the money, I’ve failed so many time but this time it is gonna make me or break me.
Perfect version: I have to and need to do this, If I am going to do it, do it well and put effort in to. Work hard on it, be proud of the results if you get what you wanted.
I would be trying, I have nothing else but to research and see what my options are, of course there is always the whole possibility of failing miserably.
I wouldn’t focus on other people going through the same problem and how they made it.