It’s Kevin.
It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?
Sorry for the radio silence here. I’ve been off the radar and caught in the whirlwind of epic endeavors.
Here’s What’s New:
- I’m sending weekly emails for my personal newsletter, Refugee Hustle
- I’m dropping 2-3 tweets / day across Threads, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube community
- I launched a mastermind with creators wanting to launch their high ticket offers
- Kaizen Closing is transitioning from an agency to an advisory and consulting model
- I’m considering charging business owners for job postings here
From launching a creator mastermind to making full guides on YouTube, I’m currently reshaping Kaizen Closing.
And that’s why why I’m reaching out today.
Enough about me.
Here’s some good, bad, bad, and more good news that you need to know👇
Good news: The masterclass is 100% completed.
The masterclass has evolved over the last month.
I included:
- A comprehensive 3-hour course on high ticket closing
- A complete beginner’s guide on finding high ticketing clients
- A quick 10-min breakdown on my $500K / week high ticket closing script
- A full guide into scaling a high ticket closing team
Based on the stats so far, only <5% have completed the masterclass. So your odds look good since 95% aren’t even showing up.
The reality is, high-ticket closing is a challenge, especially if you’re a beginner. Of that’s 5%, probably only 1% will succeed.
And I’ve chosen to level the playing field by offering it for free and eliminating the excuse of a knowledge barrier.
Yet, the double-edged sword of “free” is commitment.
Many beginners say they want free education, I’ve learned actions tell a different story.
By making everything free, I realized I’ve eliminated the accountability aspect for transformation. And since nothing is at stake and there’s nothing to lose, it’s easy to back out.
Trust me, I get it. I’ve spent thousands on courses, high ticket programs, and coaching and thousands of hours on sales calls.
Looking back, a big part of why my friends and I were able to make this work is because we paid money as a commitment to ourselves.
Investment boosts commitment, while free reduces commitment. We all have to pay the “ignorance tax”, whether that’s time or money.
That’s the essence of high-ticket closing.
Bad news: I’m launching my last Authentic Selling Group Accelerator.
I’ve ran my cohorts for the last 2-3 years.
While I’ve enjoyed every moment of the high-ticket closing cohort (especially the relationships), it’s time for me to phase out my cohort (at least for now).
The journey has been intense and full of 80 hour weeks —full of learning, sharing, and evolving my teachings.
I’m focusing my energy to bigger ventures, like my mastermind and 1-on-1 consulting.
If you’re interested in the accelerator, now is the time to apply. Deadline to complete the application is 9/30.
Apply for the Authentic Selling Accelerator here
Note: If you’re considering this, the engagement starts at $7K. If you’re applying with the offer of performance based, kindly refrain and keep reading. I recommend to consider saving for 1-on-1 coaching, exploring my free program, or keep reading.
Bad news: I’m increasing my call review prices.
I’m a horrible marketer.
A few months ago, I launched a low ticket offer to do call reviews, but I never announced it.
I got another sale a few days ago and now it’s time to increase the price.
The call review comes with:
- 30 minute Loom video breakdown
- SWOT analysis
- Transcript
If you’re interested in getting a call review, now is the time.
Get your High Ticket Sales Call Review

Note… Don’t wait. I increase my prices by $25 for every 3 sales.
Good news: A new high-ticket closing course is in the pipeline.
As mentioned earlier, I’ll be doing 1-on-1 coaching (starting at $12K) and my creator mastermind.
One of the things in the back of my mind is to see how can I make everything more affordable to others while having paid accountability, but still insert some of the magic of the Authentic Selling Accelerator.
If you wish to delve deeper into the advanced high-ticket closing strategies and theories, this course is for you.
It’s still in the works, but the tentative price point is $1K.
I’m also thinking about doing quarterly workshops in addition to the course at a lower entry point.
Finally, what do you need help with at the moment?
I also realized that I hadn’t asked you in a while: what do you need help with at the moment?
I want to make sure that my videos & everything are as helpful as possible, so I’d love to hear from you.
Since I’m focusing less “high ticket closing” these days and more strategy, I’m going to start focusing more on my personal newsletter at Refugee Hustle.
I’ll post here with openings and video updates from time to time, but if you want to stay regularly connected, join my personal newsletter.
Join 3000+ other people on the Refugee Hustle newsletter.
Talk soon,
Kevin Yee
When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:
- Power Hour ⏳ – Book a single 1:1 strategy session
- High Ticket Sales Call Review 🔎 – Get your sales calls reviewed
- Creator Mastermind 🧠 – Apply for my YouTube creator mastermind
- Work with me 1:1 ⚡️ – Apply for 12 week personalized coaching or consulting
- Join the High Ticket Sales Accelerator 🔥 – Join the waitlist for the next accelerator
- Free High Ticket Closing Course 🎓 – Learn how to start high ticket closing in 7 days